Monday & Friday: Dunamaggan: 9.30 a.m.; First Friday mass in Windgap at 7.30 p.m.
Tuesday: Windgap at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday & Thursday: mass at 12.10 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Home, Kilmoganny. No mass this Thursday
Saturday: Kilmoganny at 7.00 p.m.;
Sunday: Tullahought at 9.00 a.m.; Windgap at 10.00 a.m.; Dunamaggan at 11.00 a.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Nicholas’s Church, Windgap each Monday from 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.
Holy Hour each Wednesday from 3.00 - 4.00 p.m. St. Leonard’s Church, Dunamaggan.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Hanora Williams, England, Prayers in Molloy’s Funeral Home on Friday next 5th December followed by burial in Windgap cemetery.
ANNIVERSARIES: Bridget & Jimmy Moore, mass at 9.00 a.m. Sun 30th; Johanna Walsh, Coolhill, mass at 10.00 a.m. Sun 30th.
ANNIVERSARY MASSES: When more than one anniversary is included at a weekend mass, those prayed for will be included in masses during the following week.
FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Monday 8th December is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be on Sunday evening and Monday morning at the usual weekend times.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION will be celebrated at weekend masses in Tullahought & Windgap on Sunday 14th and in Kilmoganny on Sat. 20th & in Dunamaggan on Sunday 21st.
ADVENT is a time for preparing for Christ’s Birth at Christmas.
(1) Prayer cards for reflection on Sunday Gospels at end of Church;
(2) Advent Text Message: contact Ossory Adult Faith Development by (a) Text at 085 8313100; (b) Email at [email protected]: or (c) phone 056 – 7753624.
(3) Thought for the Day Booklet at €2 contact Ossory Adult Faith Development at 056 – 7753624 or [email protected]
SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN: There are 3 different leaflets at the back of the Church. Please take them.
SAFEGUARDING SUNDAY: 30th November 2014. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today in our diocese we launch our annual Diocesan Safeguarding Sunday, 30th November 2014. You may ask what is Safeguarding Sunday - what is this about. Just to give you the background! Last year The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland, Maynooth, carried out a Safeguarding Audit in our diocese. This Audit examined two areas: the diocesan child sexual abuse case files and the diocesan Safeguarding Policies and Procedures. Having completed the Review, the National Board published a Report which included twelve recommendations. I am pleased to say that the diocese has implemented or is currently implementing all twelve Recommendations.
One of the Recommendations contained in the Report is to put in place a Communications Policy and suggests the introduction of a Safeguarding Sunday in order to create a greater awareness of Safeguarding Policies and Procedures currently being implemented in our diocese. Today we launch our new information leaflets for Parents and Children, new Posters and Notices, which will replace the older ones on display in the Church. All information is available on www.ossory.ie . The Diocese of Ossory values and encourages the participation of children in our Church. Each and every one of us has a duty of care and a responsibility to do all we can to ensure that innocent children are protected and safe. By implementing and monitoring our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures the diocese is doing its very best to ensure the safety of children. We must be vigilant at all times. Each child should be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God. I thank all of you, priests, religious and the lay faithful, for your dedicated service to this very important ministry. Your support is essential in order to ensure the implementation and monitoring of safeguarding policies and procedures. By doing so we, together, are doing all we can to ensure that children who participate in our Church are safe. Finally, if you feel that some aspect of safeguarding in our diocese could be protected in any way, please do not hesitate to let us know. With every blessing of the Lord. Yours sincerely, Seamus Freeman.
CHRISTMAS BAZZAR will take place in the Community Centre, Windgap on Sunday 14th December from 2.00 p.m.. Santa will arrive about 3.00 p.m. It will feature the usual attractions of Spinner, raffles, cakes & Hams, fresh products etc. Your support is very welcome. Christmas Cakes should be handed in by next Sunday 7th December for icing.
*****************************************************************************************WINDGAP YOUTH CLUB are pleased to invite you to tea and buns after mass in the Parochial House after mass on Sunday next 30th November. All are welcome. Proceeds in aid of Youth Club. Please support.