Imgaes below show the evolution of our own placename.
There are three occurrences of the Windgap placename in Ireland per the website. Our own one, as well as our near neighbour in Waterford. There is another one also in Waterford, a townsland in Ardmore.
Imgaes below show the evolution of our own placename.
![]() RC: Holy Saturday 30th March: Kilmoganny at 6.45 p.m.; Windgap at 7.45 p.m. & Dunamaggan at 9.00 p.m. Easter Sunday 31st March: Normal Sunday mass times. COI: Scoil Shan Niochlas - School training tomorrow Thursday at 4.45 pm. finishing at 6.0 pm. - SB
![]() Keep your diaries free from Thursday night to Sunday night 20th to 23rd of June 2013. Loads of events for all the community including: - Drama,Comedy and Entertainment night. - Music sessions. - Art Exhibitions. - Street market - Hurling and Camogie Blitz - Historical walks - Big screen Cinema - Barbecue and candles on the lake. And more.... FREE ELECTRICAL RECYCLING DAY WEEE Ireland - WINDGAP CAR PARK (OPPOSITE GUINAN’S AT LAKE) on Thursday 11th April from 9.00 a.m. – 12.00noon.
Any household items with a plug or a battery is acceptable. Please do not leave items at location before or after the designated time, as this will be treated as illegal dumping. The next Planning for the Future meeting takes place this evening in the GAA Club at 8pm. All to attend. If unavailable call Fr. on 087 2257498
![]() WINDGAP PARISH NEWSLETTER 24 MARCH 2013 ************************************************************************************** MASSES DURING THE WEEK Monday & Friday: Dunamaggan at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday: Windgap at 9.30 a.m. First Friday at 7.30 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday: St. Joseph’s Home, Kilmoganny at 12.10 p.m. Saturday: Kilmoganny at 7.00 p.m.; Sunday: Tullahought at 9.00 a.m.; Windgap at 10.00 a.m.; Dunamaggan at 11.00 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Nicholas’s Church, Windgap each Monday from 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m. Holy Hour each Wednesday from 3.00 - 4.00 p.m. St. Leonard’s Church, Dunamaggan. ************************************************************************************** ANNIVERSARIES: Nellie & Neddy Ryan, mass at 9.00 a.m. Sun. 24th; Patrick Lee, Coolhill, mass on Sun. 24th at 10.00 a.m.; Alice Power, Slatequarries, mass in Tullahought at 9.00 a.m. Sun 24th, Edward, Mary & John Doyle, Curragh & Laurence & Margaret Purcell, Gortnaglough & Eddie O’Shea, Glencommon mass at 9.00 a.m. Sun 24th. Ryan Murray, Roscon, mass at 10.00 a.m. Sun. 31st; James Fitzpatrick, Cotterstown, mass at 10.00 a.m. Sun. 31st. ************************************************************************************** EASTER CEREMONIES 2014 Holy Thursday 28th March: Windgap at 7.00 p.m.; Dunamaggan at 8.00 p.m. Good Friday 29th March: Windgap at 2.00 p.m.; Dunamaggan at 3.15 p.m.; Kilmoganny at 7.00 p.m. & Tullahought at 8.00 p.m. Holy Saturday 30th March: Kilmoganny at 6.45 p.m.; Windgap at 7.45 p.m. & Dunamaggan at 9.00 p.m. Easter Sunday 31st March: Normal Sunday mass times. *************************************************************************************** FIRST FRIDAY APRIL 5TH: Mass will be celebrated in St. Nicholas’ Church Tullahought and not in St. Nicholas’ Church Windgap at 7.30 p.m. as it is a month’s mind mass for Avril Madden. *************************************************************************************** GOOD FRIDAY PROGRESSIVE 25’s will take place in St. Eoghan’s Centre, Kilmoganny at 8.30 p.m. All are welcome. *************************************************************************************** THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION will be celebrated during the ceremonies on Good Friday in all churches. *************************************************************************************** MASS FOR CHILDREN WHO WILL RECEIVE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION next May will be celebrated on Palm Sunday at 10.00 a.m. in St. Nicholas’ Church Windgap. *************************************************************************************** A WINDGAP PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING will take place on Thursday 4th April at 8.00 p.m. in the Parochial House, Windgap. *************************************************************************************** WINDGAP PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on Tuesday 9th April at 8.00 p.m. in the Parochial House, Windgap. *************************************************************************************** THE NEXT MEETING RE DEVELOPMENT will take place in the G.A.A Clubrooms at 8.00 p.m. on this Tuesday 26th March. You are welcome to attend. *************************************************************************************** STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Legion of Mary will pray the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday next at 2.00 p.m. in Windgap Church and at 2.45 p.m. in Tullahought Church. *************************************************************************************** FREE ELECTRICAL RECYCLING DAY WEEE Ireland - WINDGAP CAR PARK (OPPOSITE GUINAN’S AT LAKE) on Thursday 11th April from 9.00 a.m. – 12.00noon. Any household items with a plug or a battery is acceptable. Please do not leave items at location before or after the designated time, as this will be treated as illegal dumping. Following last weeks Killamery event, Tullaghought took to the stage last night for their Monks v Punks n. Well done to all for an excellent Cause - The Irish Cancer Society. ![]() This article is courtesy of "The Kilkenny People" A cheque for €1,800 was presented to the Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team earlier this month, following a successful fundraising event organised by two local groups. The event, called the ‘Rory O’Gorman Sponsored Ride Out’, was a great success, and the money raised was last week presented by cheque to Dr Ian Wilson, who accepted it on behalf of the Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team. The gathering took place in the Club House Hotel, and special thanks must go to Jim Brennan for his hospitality on the night. Tack & Hack Club and Kilmoganny Hunt would like to thank the following for their support and sponsorship on the day: Kieran O’ Gorman Hair; Beauty & Day Spa; The Butterslip, Kilkenny along with Tack & Hack Club and Kilmoganny Hunt who sponsored the ambulance; Cara Ambulances in Cork; Kilkenny Design Centre; Flowers By Lucy; Mount Juliet Equestrian Centre; Glasrai Goodies, Gowran; Hennessy Giftware, Castlecomer; Mick Maher, Great Gas Filling Station, Callan; and Paul of Vision8 Photography. Landowners Thanks must also go to the following landowners for the use of their lands: Tom Mackey, John Barron, George and Allen Smyth, Ned Maloney and the Murray family. Jimmy Cuddihy also deserves recognition for his great work on traffic control from start to finish. Thanks also to the riders, spectators and helpers who helped to make the ride out the success that it was. Finally, thanks to the O’Gorman Family and all in the Auld House Pub. It is hoped that this will now be an annual fundraiser for the Carlow/Kilkenny Home Care Team and in honour of Rory O’ Gorman – a great family man, a gentleman and a good friend. _ Support your local Newspaper - The Kilkenny People |
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