Pictures from tonight's Parents association Halloween party in Windgap hall. Pictures at
BANK HOLIDAY SPORT: Along with the adult hurling County Finals, the bank holiday weekend sees plenty of activity for the local players. The minor Camogie side scheduled to play in their county Final at a time and date to be decided, the under sixteen Galmoy Windgap Hurlers play a shield final at under sixteen level and a first round championship tie at under twenty one level.
BEST WISHES: Best wishes are extended to three local members of the local community who have emigrated to the United States, Europe and Great Britain in recent weeks. BADMINTON: Registration for the coming year for all ages is on-going. For further details contact Judith or Seamus Phelan or any committee member. Juvenile membership costs €30 and adults €35. DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS: The AGM of the Development Committee is set for 18th of November in the Club Rooms at 8pm and all are welcome. Members will receive notice in writing of an AGM twenty one days before the meeting is held. Planning for further developments continued on Thursday evening when two meetings were held in the Club Rooms. SCHOOLS FOOTBALL: On Wednesday evening the school football team under Simon Brophy and Tony Doyle When down to a strong Rower Inistioge side in Inistioge after defeating Freshford in the previous round. HURLING: In the under sixteen league semifinal replay on Saturday Galmoy Windgap played Lisdowney in Urlingford. After three first half goals the side led by six points approaching the break before Lisdowney’s second goal reduced the lead to three points at the break. In the second period of the high scoring game the Lisdowney side out goaled the combination side by two goals to one to run out winners by 4-14 to 4-11. The Galmoy Windgap goal scorers were Eamon Morrissey with a brace and Paraic Foley Conor Brennan with one a place. CLUB NEWS: This Week’s Winning Numbers were 3, 12, 16, 28 and 21 Next week’s prize fund is €4,900. On Sunday morning the Galmoy Windgap under twenty one side travelled to Ballinakill to play the home side. GUN CLUB AGM: At the recent Annual General Meeting of Tullahought and District Gun Club the following Officers were elected. Chairperson Phillip Kenny, Secretary Kevin O’Dea and Treasurer John Fleming. The Club is a member of the NRGC National Regional Game Council that sees its main season for Cock Pheasant and Woodcock commencing on 1st of November. BOXING: In recent weeks Clare Grace currently ranked number eight in the world participated in two International tournaments where she recorded one win and fought a close battle with a German Opponent in a reaped of a previous European Clash. Studying in DCU Clare’s next competitive outing is the ladies Senior Championships. PARISH BULLETIN: Information for the parish bulletin at Sunday Masses can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped into the Parochial House by Thursday evening. Mobile number (085) 8830756. NOTES: Contributors and Clubs are invited to email items for publication with a name and contact number to [email protected] by Sunday evenings at 6pm. For all the local news and photos visit A Year Book meeting will take place in Nowlan Park on this Wednesday evening at 7pm. Agenda, review of 2014, content, new ideas, timelines for 2015. ![]() Recent Deaths: Canon Patrick Brennan, formerly curate in Windgap; Mass Times: Windgap: Saturday, 7.30 p.m. Tullahought: Sunday, 10 a.m. Windgap, Tuesday, 9.30 a.m. Windgap: Readers: October: 3, Sylvia Culleton; 10, Tom Mackey; 17, Emer O’Shea; 24, Ann Foley; 31, Rita Phelan. Eucharistic Ministers: Joan Waters; Liz Jackson; Bridget Comerford. Catherine Meagher; Ann O’Shea. Tullahought: Eucharistic Ministers: Leo Conalty; Patricia Power; Mary Walsh; Eileen Grace. Mission Sunday Collection: Thanks to all who contributed so generously to the Mission collection. Tullahought Walking Group: The Tullahought group of walkers are going for a walk in Curraghmore Estate, Portlaw, on Monday, 26th October. For those interested the walkers will be meeting in Tullahought at 1.30 p.m. Windgap N.S. Parents’ Association – Hallowe’en Party: The Parents’ Association will hold a Hallowe'en Party in Windgap Community Hall on Friday, 30th October from 6pm until 7:30pm; cost - two euro per child, adults free, all are welcome; there will be prizes on the night for the best dressed boy and girl. On 14th November the Parents’ Association will be holding the annual Tractor Run in aid of the school; more about that in a later issue. Mental Health Talk: Dr Fergus Heffernan will speak on “The Crisis in Mental Health in Ireland Today” at St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy, at 8.00pm on Tuesday, 3rd November. His focus will be on the reasons why young people seem to find so difficult to cope today and what support and guidance should be given them. Adm €10.00. All proceeds to the Irish Pilgrimage Trust bringing young people with special needs to Lourdes at Easter. Annual Fair Camphill, Kyle: The Annual Fair of the Camphill Community, Kyle, Coolagh, takes place on Sunday, 8th November 2015, from 1pm to 5pm. Crafts, Wheel of Fortune, Children’s games & activities, vegetable stall, live music etc. Monster Auction for Cathedral funds: A monster auction to raise funds for the Cathedral project will be held on 29th November at a venue yet to be finalised. Advertisements for the auction book and lots for sale are being sought. Advertisements will cost €100 for full page, €60 half page and €40 quarter page. Knit and Stitch Show in RDS: A Bus will be travelling to the Knit and Stitch Show in the RDS on Thursday, November 12th. Cost, €30, including entry fee. Irish Catholic: Please note that from 1st October the price of the Irish Catholic is being raised to €1.80. Mount Carmel Open Day: Mt. Carmel is holding its Annual Open Day on Sunday 15th Nov. 2-5pm; with music, refreshments, raffle etc.; admission €2; the McCarthy Cup will be there with some of Kilkenny heroes reliving their experiences ar páirc na himeartha. Jubilee Year of Mercy: Three talks in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy at 7.30 p.m. each night: Wed. 4 Nov. Fr. Chris Hayden – “Mercy in the Bible”; Wed. 11th Nov. Fr. Albert McDonnell – on the new, less cumbersome marriage annulment process in “Justice tempered with the sweetness of mercy’; Wed.18 Nov. Fr. Sean McDonagh – “Pope Francis’ Encyclical on caring for the environment ‘Laudato SI’”; admission free. Readers: Course for current and new Readers: St. Patrick’s Centre. Loughboy, 7.30 p.m., Tues. 24 Nov. & Tues. 1st Dec.. The same course is being offered in Mullinavat Church at 7.30 p.m. Mon. 23 & 30th Nov. and Ballyragget Church: Wed. 25 Nov. & 2 Dec. Nota bene: Summer-time ends this weekend – clocks go back an hour on Sat. night. St. Mary’s Cathedral Fundraising: The Diocesan Draw is doing reasonably well and should bring in about €150,000 in its first year. The Monster Bingo of 18 Oct 2015 realized €2,750 profit. A Monster Auction will be held on 29th November, at a venue yet to be finalised. A series of concerts is planned for Langton’s, John Street on 19th February 2016, 15th March 2016, 28th April 2016 and 18th May 2016. Suicide Grief Awareness. The six-week course run by Kilkenny Bereavement Support at Villa Maria, Talbot’s Inch, Freshford Road, Kilkenny, at 8.00pm., continues on the 27th Oct. and 3rd Nov. Enquiries to Kilkenny Bereavement Support 056-7756538. Special Collection: My sincere thanks for your generous support for the Special Collection and a gentle reminder to those who are about to do so. Canon Patrick Brennan: The funeral of Canon Patrick Brennan (brother of the late Dr James Brennan, PP Dunnamaggin) took place in his native Gathabawn, on Sat., 24 Oct. He was laid to rest in Muckalee of which he was PP from 1989 to 2003 after a prayer service in the church. Fr Paddy, as he was affectionately known in Windgap, was born on 14 April 1929 in Gortnamuck, Gathabawn, in the parish of Lisdowney. Educated in Gathabawn N.S., St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny (1944-48) and St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth (1948-55), he was ordained in Maynooth on 19 June 1955. He spent the following year as a postgraduate in Maynooth studying for a Higher Diploma in Education and lecturing in Greek. His first appointment in the diocese in August 1956 was as chaplain to the De la Salle monastery in Castletown. The following year he was appointed to the staff of St. Kieran’s College where he taught English, Maths, Latin, Greek and Religion. Having spent three years in the college he was appointed CC Windgap on 1 Sept.1960 – much to his pleasure. This was his first pastoral appointment and he succeeded Fr. Pat Corcoran who had gone to Tullaherin. Fr Paddy lived in the curate’s house in the village (now Purcell’s). He involved himself immediately in all aspects of parish life, spiritual, temporal and sporting, and quickly endearing himself to the community. The outstanding legacy of his three years in Windgap was his leadership in organizing the Windgap Group Water Scheme which brought piped water to the village and transformed the living standards of thirty families. In the absence of machinery trenches had to be dug voluntarily and here he showed his skill with a pick and shovel. By the time of his transfer to Durrow the scheme was almost complete. He returned, amidst thunderous applause, to perform the official opening. He was the last curate to live in the curate’s house; his successor, Fr. Brian Flynn, took up residence in the Parochial House. After his three short years in Windgap Fr Paddy was CC in Durrow (1963-69), Rosbercon (1969-71), Thomastown (1971-75) and Aghavillar (1975-82) before being appointed Parish Priest of Ballycallan in 1982. He would have liked to return to Windgap as parish priest in 1986 but this was not to be. In 1989 he was appointed parish priest of Muckalee. He retired to his native Gathabawn in 2003 and was succeeded in Muckalee by Fr Larry Wallace. Fr Paddy served the people of Gathabawn for the next eight years until his health no longer permitted him to continue his ministry. He celebrated the diamond jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood last June in the nursing home in Crosspatrick. Ónár gcroíthe amach guímid go mbeidh a anam dílis i bhfochair Dé agus i gcomhluadair na n-aingeal agus na naomh uile ar feadh na síoraíochta. Anniversaries Windgap: Michael and Nora Barry, Meallaghmore; Mrs Honora Williams née Kickham, Catford, London; Sean Ryan, Windgap; Tullahought: James & Brigid Delaney, Slatequarries Windgap N.S. will be one of the first schools in Ireland to participate in the Buddy Bench Ireland programme
The aim of the Buddy Bench is to encourage children to extend the hand of friendship to those who may be in need of it. 5th and 6th class very kindly...and very ably...helped Michael Grace to construct the bench. They then decorated it beautifully using their own unique handprints..and many words of wisdom and symbols which they thought suitable. The bench will be placed in the school grounds in a place of the childrens choosing. in a few weeks Buddy Bench Ireland will run their Buddy Bench Aware programme. GUIDED TOUR: In participation with Kilkenny Free Day, Tullahought Tidy Towns Committee hosted a guided tour of the village on Saturday last. Visitors assembled at the church at eleven o’clock, where they were welcomed by the committee. The group were taken on an hour long tour which included visits to the Wildlife Lake and Quern Stone Sculptures, Crowley’s Mill, The Slatequarries, and Knockroe Passage Tomb. On their return to the Village the group were provided with refreshments in the Community Hall and a chat about the history of Tullahought.
CAMOGIE NEWS: On Sunday in Piltown the minors qualified for the county final with a fine win over Kilmacow. LOTTO FUNDING: Missing off Sports Minister Michael Ring list of nine hundred sports clubs and community organizations that shared the forty one million Sports Capital Grants was the Windgap Community application for support with the Tennis Court. Having completed the playground and basketball court and tarmacking and lining out the Tennis Court the grant for tennis equipment was to be the cherry on the cake of a community effort. SCHOOLS FOOTBALL: On Monday the school football team participated in the sevens tournament in Mooncoin where they recorded a win over Piltown. The side also played Mullinavat and Glenmore in three eight minute a side games. They play in the full sided competition in Inistioge on Wednesday after defeating Freshford in the previous round. HURLING: In the under sixteen league semifinal Galmoy Windgap came from three points behind with a late goal to tie the scores with Lisdowney in Urlingford. In the final minutes both sides saw scoring chances for victory go wide of the posts. BREAST OF PIGEON: Around breakfast time on Friday morning a sparrow hawk was to be seen with a fine meal as he plucked a plumb pigeon to get at a tasty early morning treat. Throughout the day he returned for a snack. BADMINTON: Registration for the coming year for all ages is on-going. For further details contact Judith or Seamus Phelan or any committee member. Juvenile membership costs €30 and adults €35. DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS: The AGM of the Development Committee is set for 18th of November in the Club Rooms at 8pm and all are welcome. Planning for the further developments continued on Thursday evening when two meetings were held in the Club Rooms. The good news stories were the continuation of the forge frontage restoration and the signage work on the two loop walks. GUN CLUB AGM: At the recent Annual General Meeting of Tullahought and District Gun Club the following Officers were elected. Chairperson Phillip Kenny, Secretary Kevin O’Dea and Treasurer John Fleming. The Club is a member of the NRGC National Regional Game Council that sees its main season for Cock Pheasant and Woodcock commencing on 1st of November. CLAY PIGEON SHOOT: A Clay Pigeon Shoot is being organised by the Gun Club in Kilmacoliver on this Sunday 18th of October. Further details from the committee members. TIDY TOWNS: Work for 2016 commenced on Monday with the cleaning of the inlet stream to the lake. The work recreated the island that had silted up where the water flows into it from Croke’s Well. On Friday the fence was prepared to allow in a digger to clean out the build-up of silt at the base of the waterfall, where a third water supply joins in. Before the two lakes were constructed, the marshy area was a watering place for farm animals before farmyard pumps were invented. In additional it was a safe place to leave a cartwheel to ensure it bound well with the steel rim and as secret hiding place for eels that often made a tasty fry. CLUB NEWS: This Week’s Winning Numbers were 3, 7, 21, 23 and Bonus 18. Next week’s prize fund is €7,700. SAMARATINS: On Friday 23rd October the local Kilkenny Carlow branch of the Samaritans will be open 20 years The Charity is a listening ear to people in crisis and despair and supports people with suicidal thoughts daily... 24hrs a day 365 days a year including Christmas, Easter every day...For free. To mark the occasion the organisation is hosting two events in which the public are most welcome to partake in. The first is on Thursday 22nd October at 8pm at St Candice’s Catholic Church, Dean St. Kilkenny. It features Singer and Songwriter Mick Hanley, the Soulful Spirit Choir, Kevin and Laurie Duet, of Castlecomer Minstrels and soloist Nicola Brennan. John Purcell of KCLR will be the MC for the night. Admission is free, donations if desired. In the second event on Saturday 24th a twenty minute walk starts at six separate locations around Kilkenny City in an Awareness Morning event. All routes lead to the Town hall for a music session at 12.30pm PARISH BULLETIN: Information for the parish bulletin at Sunday Masses can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped into the Parochial House by Thursday evening. Mobile number (085) 8830756. NOTES: Contributors and Clubs are invited to email items for publication with a name and contact number to [email protected] by Sunday evenings at 6pm. For all the local news and photos visit Shop local for entertainment this week with Carrick on Suir musical societies "Robin Hood meets Frankie" panto, in the strand theater all this week at 8pm-10.30pm, until Saturday night. Final performance will be on Sunday next as a matinee at 3pm.
Prices for the 106th production by the society are very good value, at €14 per seat, or €40 for 4. More details at Mass Times: Windgap: Saturday, 7.30 p.m. Tullahought: Sunday, 10 a.m.
Windgap, Tuesday, 9.30 a.m. Windgap: Readers: October: 3, Sylvia Culleton; 10, Tom Mackey; 17, Emer O’Shea; 24, Ann Foley; 31, Rita Phelan. Eucharistic Ministers: Joan Waters; Liz Jackson; Bridget Comerford. Catherine Meagher; Ann O’Shea. Tullahought: Eucharistic Ministers: Leo Conalty; Patricia Power; Mary Walsh; Eileen Grace. Mission Sunday: Since 1926 the Church has traditionally remembered its universal mission during the month of October. On this Sunday, then, we think in a special way of the church’s missionary movement and especially of the missionaries from the parish who have built up the church of God in various parts of the world over the years. We think in a special way today of Fr Bob who worked in Kenya after retiring from Windgap, of Fr Donal from the Capuchin friary in Kilkenny, who is now ministering in South Africa, and who helped out in the parish after Fr Martin’s death, of Fr Benedict O’Shea who has been working in the diocese of Arundel and Brighton for many years, of Sr Patricia Duggan who worked for many years in South Africa and Zimbabwe, of Sr Ann Landy, who worked in Africa, and of Sr Margaret Mary, who worked in Australia. We remember them today and all those missionaries from the parish atá imithe ar shlí na firinne. Mission Sunday Collection: The second collection today is for the Missions. Nationally the Mission Collection in 2014 realised €1,758,295 (an increase of a few per cent on 2013) with a minimal amount going on administration. We appeal to you to continue in this generous spirit of reaching out to the poorest of the poor. How the Mission Sunday Collection is actually spent? The bulk of last year’s Mission Sunday Collection went to Africa – South Africa €600,000; Uganda €246,000; Namibia €140,000; Nigeria €275,000; Botswana €132,000; Lesotho €102,000; Indonesia €84,000. A significant amount of money would have gone towards the education of priests in different African countries and supporting Convents.. The Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith based in Rome distributes the funds directly to each diocese depending on needs such as school fees, health clinics, the provision of transport for priests and sisters, the building of very basic schools and churches etc . All expenditure is carefully monitored and controlled. Pope Francis on Mission Sunday: Since the new leaflet which we now have in the church has an introduction to each reading the eagarthóir will confine himself to a thought from the readings or from elsewhere, as in the case of Mission Sunday. In his message marking Mission Sunday 2015 Pope Francis reminds us: “Every baptised person is called to bear witness to the Lord Jesus by proclaiming the faith received as a gift. Since Christ’s entire existence had a missionary character, so too, all who follow him closely must possess this missionary quality. As Vatican II stated: ‘The laity should cooperate in the Church’s missionary work of evangelisation, as witnesses and at the same time as living instruments, they share in her saving mission’. Monster Bingo with €15,000 prize money in Cillín Hill, Kilkenny, Sunday, 18th October, at 3.00 aid of St. Mary's Cathedral Restoration Fund. This Bingo is being staged by Gowran Parish Bingo Committee. Books €15 and €20. Single Sheets (3 in number) €2. Raffle tickets €2 or more. Your support would be greatly appreciated. If anyone needs a lift to Cillín Hill, please contact Ann at 0863699542. Monster Auction for Cathedral funds. A monster auction to raise funds for the Cathedral restoration project will be held on 29th November at a venue yet to be finalised. Advertisements for the auction book and lots for sale are being sought. Advertisements will cost €100 for full page, €60 half page and €40 quarter page. St Canice’s Parish Light of Hope Project: Wed., 21st Oct. 11 am: Audio visual presentation on Pope Francis in St Canice’s Parish Centre; 7.30 pm: Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor. ‘Francis: A Witness to Mercy’, in St Canice’s Church. Annual Fair Camphill, Kyle: The Annual Fair of the Camphill Community, Kyle, Coolagh, takes place on Sunday, 8th November 2015, from 1pm to 5pm. Crafts, Wheel of Fortune, Children’s games & activities, vegetable stall, live music etc. Knit and Stitch Show in RDS: A Bus will be travelling to the Knit and Stitch Show in the RDS on Thursday, November 12th. Cost, €30, including entry fee. Suicide Grief Awareness. The six-week course run by Kilkenny Bereavement Support at Villa Maria, Talbot’s Inch, Freshford Road, Kilkenny, at 8.00pm., continues on the 20th, 27th Oct. and 3rd Nov. Enquiries to Kilkenny Bereavement Support 056-7756538. Special Collection: My sincere thanks to those who have been returning envelopes for the Special Collection and a gentle reminder to those who are about to do so. Priests of Windgap: Richard Shee was the immediate successor of Fr Quirk (1769-1772). Son of Christopher Shee of Rossaneany, Windgap, and Martha Smith of Damma (Ballycallan), he was born in 1728, mostly likely in Stonecarty, and moved with his family to Rossaneany at an early age. In 1762 he was curate in Windgap (probably living at home). In that year he subscribed to Bishop Burke’s Hibernia Dominicana. Two years later in 1764 he became PP of Inistioge. He returned as PP of Windgap and Dunnamaggin five years later in December 1769. He was to be parish priest of the united parishes for less than three years, dying on 17 July 1772 at the early age of 44 years. When Fr Shee felt his end approaching he gave directions to those around his bed to bury him with his relatives in Stonecarty in the parish of Aghavillar. “My predecessors”, said he, “are buried in Killamery, but don’t bury me there; it’s too near Garryricken, and Garryricken is cursed”. What he was alluding to here was the very public adoption of Protestantism by John Butler (see previous nuachtlitir) and his predecessor’s denunciation of the future Earl. Notwithstanding his final wishes the parishioners of Windgap did not allow his remains to be carried away and buried him with his predecessors in Killamery. Some time after this, however, his friends came by night, opened his grave and brought him away to Stonecarty where they buried him with his father beside the south wall of the old church. There a large horizontal flag marks the grave of Christopher Shee, his son James and his son Fr Richard who is described thereon as “Parish Priest of Killamery & Kells”. Placenames: Baunreagh or Bawnreagh (Tullahought) is Bán Riabhach in Irish. Bán here signifies lea land or grassland, while Riabhach signifies streaked, striped or speckled. Ballyfliugh is Buaile Fliugh (Coolaghmore) in Irish; Buaile signifies cattle fold or summer pasture while fliugh (fliuch) means wet and here probably reflects the proximity of the river Glory. The placename is spelled Bolifleughe in 1576; the alternative Monehary (presumably Móinéar or meadow) is found in a document of 1616. PLANNING NEWS: Residents on both sides of the Lingaun River dividing Kilkenny and Tipperary received welcomed the news last week when it was revealed that the Lana wind turbine proposed for Rathclarish has been refused permission by Tipperary County Council. There were ninety three objections to the development from individuals, community groups and businesses. The development was refused for a number of reasons, including its location in an area zoned as unsuitable for turbines, the visual amenity, the knock-on effect on archaeology and built heritage and also on the large amount of missing information. Lana has the right to appeal this decision to An Bord Pleanala within four weeks which means that the local communities are still unsure of the final outcome.
CLOSED ARCH: The work on the restoration of the forge frontage in Windgap is making great progress and the iconic Horseshoe Arch on John Walsh’s old workplace has been completely rebuilt. It is expected the work of the volunteer stonemasons under the guidance of Seamus Davis each Saturday will be completed by the end of the month. ST CANICES DAY: In participation with Kilkenny Free Day there will be a guided tour of Tullahought Village on Saturday 10th October. The tour starts at the church at 11 am, all are welcome. BADMINTON: Registration for the coming year for all ages is on-going. For further details contact Judith or Seamus Phelan or any committee member. UNSOCIABLE BEHAVIOUR: Started many years ago to highlight indiscriminate dumping in the area, the inclusion of items on unsociable behaviour in the notes saw its progression to highlight the increase in robberies on residences, business’s, personal attacks and intimidation. Now, at last an issue of National Importance it is hoped that the new interest and resolution will restore confidence and allow residents to live normal lives where locked doors, closed off farmyards and the limiting of social interaction and life have been life changers. In recent weeks one of the information plaques on the Viewing Tower “Túr Amharic” overlooking Tullahought village and the Lingaun valley has been stolen whilst oil and equipment was the target in the surrounding communities. The plaque gave a visual and oral history of the area and had only being recently replaced following malicious damage to it. DEVELOPMENT NEWS: Amongst the items on the agenda at the recent meeting of Windgap Community Development Group was the great progress over the Summer around Windgap village. They included the re-construction of the forge frontage, repairs to listed buildings, Village Renewal, the playground, progress on the walks around the village and the Bearna Breac and consultations on the local Hall. Amongst the highlights were the results of the Tidy Towns competition where the village had taken part for the first time since its five year run from 1997 to 2001. In the report the adjudicator was charmed with the village and it’s potential. It is now planned to set up group to plan and carry out small works around the village over the coming months. Amongst the feedback of quick hits that would make a difference was work on the flagpoles at the Church, the piping of a roadside shore and focussing on the contents of the adjudicator’s reports. A series of meetings are planned to keep up the progress to date. The AGM of the Development Committee was set for 18th of November and all are welcome. GUN CLUB AGM: At the recent Annual General Meeting of Tullahought and District Gun Club the following Officers were elected. Chairperson Phillip Kenny, Secretary Kevin O’Dea and Treasurer John Fleming. The Club is a member of the NRGC National Regional Game Council with the main season for Cock Pheasant and Woodcock commencing on 1st of November. CLAY PIGEON SHOOT: A Clay Pigeon Shoot is being organised by the Gun Club in Kilmacoliver on Sunday 18th of October. Further details from the committee members. TIDY TOWNS: With Tullahought village moving within a single point of attaining a silver medal the Tidy Towns Committee held a meeting in the Community Centre on Friday evening last to review the adjudicators report for 2015 and also to make plans for the coming year. It is believed by all that further progress to a historic Silver medal can be made in the competition with the help of the whole community. The work commences this week with the cleaning of the inlet stream to the lake. A focus on the year ahead is to look at potential improvements on unused residences on the approach roads. It is planned to circulate the report to all households and to hold an open meeting in the coming weeks. The committee extends its thanks to all those who have contributed to our success to date. JUNIOR HURLING: In the Junior Hurling Championship quarter final Windgap played in Ballyhale on Saturday evening, the local side went down to championship favourites Glenmore. In a close first half the sides were level at 0-3 after eleven minutes. A goal to the Southerners just before the break to give them a 1-7 to 0-6 lead. As the second half progressed the lead was reduced to a single score before Glenmore hit a purple patch. As a gap opened between the sides goalkeeper James Murray was outstanding as the Landy Brothers Peter and Emmet, Matthew Enright and James Mackey tried their best to stem the tide. Thanks are extended to the management team of Pat Walsh, Noel Power, Eamon Murray, Willie O’Connor and Kieran Purcell and the squad whose combined efforts saw them reach the county quarter finals. For further details check the Club Twitter account or see Barry Henriques match report in the Sports Pages. CAMOGIE NEWS: In the County Senior Camogie Final Mullinavat who defeated the local side in Ballyhale the previous week regained the County Title with a win over the holders Thomastown on Sunday. CLUB NEWS: This Week’s Winning Numbers were 2, 10, 17, 28 and Bonus 19. They brought a match three cheque to James Hawe. Recent match three winners were Padraig Brophy and Margaret Doyle PARISH BULLETIN: Information for the parish bulletin at Sunday Masses can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped into the Parochial House by Thursday evening. Mobile (086) 0782066 or his new number (085) 8830756. NOTES: Contributors and Clubs are invited to email items for publication with a name and contact number to [email protected] by Sunday evenings at 6pm. For all the local news and photos visit Calling all local organisations and individuals in the area. We need your news. is a free service available to all organisations in the parish and around its borders.
We have an average of 500 unique visitors each day from the greater Windgap area including our expat community, with a very active presence on both Facebook and Twitter, with typically several thousand views per week. This free service is for you the people of Windgap and Tullahought, and requires news and information to sustain its health and longevity. If you want to promote your organisation, this is where you do it. If you are the PRO of your group, or manager of a team, we are making your job easy. We can publish it for you or alternatively we can give you access. If you want to get a message out to the area quickly, a lost dog, a match cancellation, a community alert and just about anything else, please let us know. If you want get a wide and rapid reach, we are here for you. Remember that >75% of our users read the updates on their mobile device, meaning your message gets out quickly. Right now inputs from organisation are minimal but improving. Remember to also forward us pictures with your updates if possible. We will also build a webpage for every organisation. If you are a member and think the existing webpage doesn't do your organisation justice, please let us know we will update with your material. Reach us on the Blog request form, email [email protected] or contact us on Facebook or Twitter. |
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