We have an average of 250 unique visitors each day from the Windgap area and our expats, with a very active presence on both Facebook and Twitter.
This service is for you the people of Windgap, and requires news and information to sustain its health and longevity.
If you want to get a message out to the area quickly, a lost dog, a match cancellation, a community alert and just about anything else, please let us know. If you want get a wide and rapid reach, we are here for you. Remember that >50% of our users read the updates on their mobile device, meaning your message gets out quickly. Right now inputs from organisation are minimal but improving. Remember to also forward us pictures for the Blog with your updates if possible. We will also build a webpage for every organisation. If you are a member and think the webpage doesn't do your organisation justice, please let us know we will update with your material.
Reach us on the Blog request form at /request-blog-update.html or email [email protected] or alternatively contact a communications committee member.