HURLING AGM: Having reflected on a progressive year there was no great changes in personnel for the year ahead at the Windgap Club AGM held on Friday night. Having shown a surplus in the accounts, it marked the culmination of the latest Development era that saw the erection Hurling Wall, One Wall Handball Alleys, Spectator Facilities the new Meeting Room, Kitchen and Wheelchair Toilet and Storehouse all paid for. The achievement was mainly thanks to the generosity of the community who supported the on-going scrap collection. The result saw Eamon Doyle re-elected as Treasurer for the thirtieth year. Joining the Club Officers team are Tom Egan as PRO, Alison Walsh as Irish Officer and Aidan Mackey as Insurance Officer. Elsewhere, on the financial side membership was up and the Lotto and Co-Op draw slightly down. Repairs to the ball catchers behind the goals and the creation of a Bord na nÓg section are amongst the tasks set for the early part of the New Year.
SIXTY YEARS AGO: The Hurling Club AGM marked the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Club when they met in the shade of O'Shea’s Pub at the cross Road in Windgap in February 1954. On Friday night, the surroundings were more salubrious with the walls adorned with photos spanning the activities of the past sixty years. Then without a pitch or jerseys the club now has top class facilities, indoor and outdoor handball facilities and are competitive at all levels in Hurling, Camogie, Handball and Football. The link to the first days was maintained when the sole surviving founding member Dan Phelan was re-elected unanimously as Club President.
TWENTY ONE YEARS: In his report secretary Noel Power noted a milestone that it was twenty one years since the achievement of an All-Ireland minor medal being won in the parish. This year’s achievement by Niall Walsh coming twenty one year’s after Alan Hearne’s similar honour.
COMPLIMENTED: Thanking all involved in any way Chairman PJ Egan noted the work of Grounds man Simon Brophy and Junior Trainer Pat Walsh. He also complimented the other trainers, members and players who worked for and represented the Club during the year. PJ then extended best wishes to Ciara Smith who won a county final for Windgap in Solo Singing and was representing the Club in the Leinster Semi Finals of Scor na nÓg in Ballymore Co Westmeath at the weekend.
ALL ABOARD: Attending the clubs sixtieth AGM were PJ Egan, Noel Power, Eamon Doyle, Pat Walsh, Christy Whelan, Tom Egan, Jimmy Walsh, Aidan Mackey, Pat Moore, Michael O’Shea, PJ Barron, John McKenna and Dermot O’Shea. On conclusion a moments silence was held for all the deceased members.
ST STEPHENS DAY WALK: The annual Windgap Development St. Stephens Day Walk takes place from the Club rooms at 11.30am. After taking in the circuit of the amenity walk it hits for open country on a route to be decided by the site of the new playground which should be completed by that time.
CHRISTMAS TEA: The now annual Christmas morning refreshments in the Parochial House will take place Mass in Windgap on Christmas Day. The innovative idea organised by the local ladies has proved to be a popular place to meet and greet locals and visitors, Its sucess has established it as a highlight on the communities social calendar.
DEVELOPMENT AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Windgap Community Development Company that is open to all members of the community takes place this Thursday 18th, December in the GAA Club Rooms at 8pm. The list of nominations for directors now reads Rachel Kirby Murray, David McCoy, Noel Smyth, Brian O’Rourke, Fr. Nicholas Flavin, PJ Barron, Ann Crowley, Shay Power, Tony Doyle, Julie O’Brien, and the founding directors are Simon Brophy, Jimmy Walsh, Nicky Hawe, Helen Walsh. The remaining founding directors Breda O’Shea, John Ryan and Sean Power are stepping down.
OUT AND ABOUT: Strolling along on a calm Decembers evening, a quick movement caught the eye as a disturbed rodent like creature headed for the safety of a nearby ditch. Stopping to see where it went, a burrow was spotted. Whilst observing it, one became aware of a pair of black eyes looking back from another part of the ditch. Having decided that the fallen beech nuts were the attraction the viewer withdrew a short distance in the hope the mysterious animal would re-appear and be identified as it got back to stocking his stomach. Watching the midges contrasted against the darker Ivy and Holly trees, another small and silent movement caught the eye. This time it was well above ground as a Fieldcrest skipped about a holly and sceach tree, busily picking unseen morsels off their branches. Whilst observing the busy movements one became aware of another onlooker. This time it was back in the ditch from another burrow, as my old friend was checking if the coast was clear. Now six meters from his original entrance to the ditch, one could only wonder how he got there. Was it through a warren of tunnels and how long was he watching me watching out for him. As time passed no further action was witnessed as the question of, was it a bank vole or a brown rat remains unresolved!.
ANNIVERSARY MASS: The sixth anniversary Mass for Sharon, Nadia and Zara Whelan takes place on Christmas morning in St. Nicholas Church in Windgap at 10am.
HOUSE SHARING: On frosty evenings a wren slips quietly from the garden into the House Martins nest under the West facing eve. Here it nestles down for the night, safe from predators in nature’s own form of house sharing or seasonal recycling.
HARRIERS MEET: In a new departure Kilmoganny Harriers held their annual meet midweek when they met in Tullahought Village on Wednesday last.
PLEASANT NEWS: Gone missing for four or five days the local Pheasant made a welcome return via the vegetable patch on Friday morning. The colourful bird from a local clutch follows in the steps of a previous visitor with distinctive white bars on one wing who was known to appear on the Window Cill when action was seen in the kitchen.
BRIDGE RESULTS: Winners at the Killamery Bridge Club game held in the Olde House Killamery were: 1st Helen Lanigan and Moira Hickey. Best Gross: Stella Tenneyson and Kathleen O’Shea. 2nd. Finoula Walsh and Sarah Crowley.
NEXT WEEK: The story of the return of Cotterstown footballers to field of play.
CHRISTMAS BAZZAR: The annual Christmas Bazzar took place in the Community Centre in Windgap on Sunday. The annual Parish Draw takes place in the Parochial House on Thursday at 7pm.
NOTES: Contributors and Clubs are invited to email items for publication with a name and contact number to [email protected] by Sunday evenings at 6pm. For all the local news and photos visit the local website