The mass celebrated by Fr. Nicholas Flavin adjacent to the world famous high cross was very well attended
Killamery High Cross is understood to be 9th century and is one of the West Ossory group of crosses including Ahenny, Kilree and Kilkieran.
It measures 3.65 meters high. The western face has a Sun emblem at the centre and has a figure sculpture around the Whorl. To the left is a hunting scene, to the right a Chariot scene and above the Whorl is a an image of a figure holding a baby. Below them is a Crucifixion scene. The shaft bears two ornate panels the top one a Fret pattern, the lower a Key panel. A worn inscription on the base is said to read OR DO MAELSECHNAILL a prayer for Maelsechnaill who was High King of Ireland from 846 to 862.
Fr. Flavin thanked all those who attended, and especially those who helped organise the event.
After the mass, the crowd adjourned to the Auld house for tea and buns !
Tomorrow night its Tullaghoughts turn at 7.30 pm, and then on to Windgap on Friday again at 7.30 pm.