Annual Cake Sale
We are holding our Annual Cake and Home Produce Sale as a means of funding refresher courses, further training and maintenance of the equipment. It will take place on Friday 1st August after the Cemetery Mass in Windgap. We would greatly appreciate if you could support this very important event; by bringing cakes, home produce (jams, vegetables, etc) or by making a donation to the fund.
Defibrillators are in the following locations:
1. On the wall at the door to the left, at the top of the long steps at Windgap N.S.
2. On the front porch of the Parochial House in Windgap Village,
3. On the front wall of Tullahought Community Centre.
• Originally 47 people from the locality received AED training and the recommendation is that each person attends a refresher course every two years. These courses will take place in Tullahought Community Centre later this year.
• If we get enough numbers we will also organise another AED training course for people who have not yet had the opportunity to avail of this training
• Pads and batteries will also need to be replaced after two years.
For further details please contact Joan O’ Gorman 086-1024892, Dick Walsh 087-9963355, Helen Hawe 086-8834042 or any member of the committee.