PIETA HOUSE: Kilkenny Federation I.C.A held Loop walk in Aid of PIETA House on Saturday last around the Loop Walk in Windgap Village. The walk commenced at the lake at 11am and travelled by the Calvary Grotto attracted a fine turnout.
UGANDAN APPRECIATION: A note of appreciation has arrived to the People of Windgap and all who supported recent fundraising from around the South East. It came from Jane Namatovu in the Kajjasi Health Centre in Uganda “thanking all for the good heart showed us when you donated the amount of two and a half million Uganda Shillings to us through Dr. Eoin Ryan from Windgap who volunteered for four weeks work this year. Jane also stated it has helped to cater for medical camps in the rural communities where vulnerable people have managed to get free health service like HIV, Aids testing, de-worming children and treating communicable disseises like Malaria, STD’s. The communication ended with a blessing for everyone in Kampala stating “God bless the work of your hands”.
CAMOGIE CHAMPIONS: The O’Duffy Cup and members of the All Ireland Senior Camogie Champions team led by local player Denise Gaule will visit Powers in Tullahought on this Friday evening after 9pm.
HALL MEETING: The Windgap Community development meeting is planned for Thursday evening at 8pm when the lease of the Hall, Grant Funding, Tidy Towns results and fund raising details will be discussed.
MINISTERAL VISIT: Having become accustomed over the years to the mystical setting of the Knockroe Passage Tomb at the Sunrise and Sunset of the Winter Solstice, the historic site again radiated its splendour and mystery on a beautiful Autumnal evening when the Minister for Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys visited on Thursday week.
Encouraged by the beautiful weather a large crowd had begun to gather long before the Minister was due to arrive. With the majority of the gathering drawn from this Kilkenny/Tipperary border region there were just two topics of conversion between the growing crowds. The recent Hurling All Ireland between the two counties and the achievement of the creators of Knockroe who created the 5,000 year old tomb which today unites the two counties. On an evening where her busy schedule was stretched the Minister was escorted from Callan by John Paul Phelan TD who had previously conveyed the invitation to visit Knockroe from the Caiseal Conservation Committee.
MEET AND GREET: Waiting to greet the Minister on her arrival were Professor Muiris O'Suilleabhain who carried out the archaeological dig at Knockroe, Collette Byrne CEO Kilkenny Co. Co., Cllr Matt Doran Chairman Kilkenny Co. Co. and Councillors Pat Dunphy, Tomas Breathnach, Fidelis Doherty and Malcolm Noonan. MC on the evening was Richard Walsh who introduced the speakers, Council Chairman Matt Doran, Professor Muiris O'Suilleabhain and Minister Heather Humphreys. Councillor Doran welcomed the Minister on behalf of the Kilkenny Council and all the well-wishers present.
Richard Walsh addressed the issues facing the Passage Tomb into the future: the need for road signage, improvements to the access road, and the threat posed to the site from a planned wind turbine development. He thanked the OPW for the care they take of the site and mentioned especially Kilkenny Co. Co. and the OPW for their plans to improve the road surface. Hopes to see the cross border area developed by Leader in conjunction with Bord Failte's "Irelands Ancient East" were also outlined.
Professor Muiris O'Suilleabhain outlined the history and importance of the site as the only location in the country which celebrates the morning and evening winter solstice. Continuing he itemised other nationally important sites in the area, the Baunfree Passage Tomb, the Carrigadoon Hill-fort and the Slievenamon Cairn emphasising the interconnection between them. Also mentioned as treasures of the area were the nearby High Crosses of Ahenny, Kilkieran and Killamery and the old Slatequarries.
PEACE AND TRANQUILITY: Minister Humphreys addressed the magic, beauty and tranquillity of the site, her worry as her car traversed the uneven access road and her surprise as they rounded the last bend to be greeted by such a large crowd. Mentioning that her department were involved in opposing the planned wind turbines in the area she pledged her support to the passage tomb. To round off a perfect evening at Knockroe Minister Heather Humphreys was presented with a framed photograph of the Passage Tomb taken by Local Photographer Lena Power. The Ministerial delegation were then taken to the home of Pat and Eileen Power where Eileen served a delicious high tea and the talk continued about the Passage Tomb and the success of the local equine industry. Thanks were extended to Mark Lonergan for looking after parking, Robert Duggan for the sound system and also Tom Morrissey and Pat Power for providing parking facilities.
APPEAL; The Dutch wind company Dunoair have appealed the Tipperary Co. Co. refusal for eight wind turbines overlooking the Knockroe Passage Tomb to An Bord Pleanala. In response the Caiseal Conservation Committee and the Suir Valley Environmental Group are held a public information meeting on Thursday week in Faugheen Clubhouse to mobilise once more to ensure that this development does not go ahead after over two hundred objections were lodged to the development when it came before the Tipperary County Council planning department. Objectors included Kilkenny County Council, The Heritage Council, An Taisce, Historic Environmental and Community groups and a great number of individuals.
NOTES: Contributors and Clubs are invited to email items for publication with a name and contact number to [email protected] by Sunday evenings at 6pm. For all the local news and photos visit windgap.ie